Monday, January 5, 2009

Where have I been, eh?

Ever since New Years Eve I've been very busy for some reason. I apologize but at the same time it gave me thought to as how much I can actually do with this blog.

The fact of the matter is, I'm only a college student. I realized yesterday that I will not be able to report the attendances daily like I have been during my Christmas break day in and day out. So where do I go from here?

Well I'm still gonna record each attendance in the spreadsheet like planned, but I won't be posting them daily. I'm basically switching my focus from day to day attendance reporting to some more advanced stuff when I get the time (such as the Playing below Capacity series). I plan on taking a look at the Winter Classic ratings later along with some other news.

You'll still here plenty about attendance, as that is what I'm most curious about. I just don't think I will be able to post as frequently as I have over the past month. But, with that said, I really don't wanna give up on this blog, as I see it as a tool I can successfully use to market myself when it comes time for me to get a job.

With all that said, I'm still here, but with a slightly different mindset. To anyone that checks this site often, just leave a comment. You don't even have to write anything, I just want to see if this is worth continuing.

Thanks, Rob

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