Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Coyotes/Thrashers Go All Out With Discounts

Mirtle found the following image yesterday, showing how the Thrashers are discounting ticket prices along with stringing a deal for next season:

A great deal, for sure, but I don't think it will work very successfully. Why? Well because there in Atlanta, for starts. Atlanta is just above the 14,000 threshold for revenue sharing, but is under 80% in capacity (team has to have one or the other to qualify).

The Coyotes are cutting ticket prices as well - up to 40% off. This ploy has a greater chance of working than the Thrashers one, only because it isn't such a lump sum of money.

As for this tactic of cutting ticket prices, I don't mind it; but only to an extent. I think what the Thrashers thought up was innovative and a really good deal, while at the same time they will make a good chunk of money. On the other hand, cutting your tickets by up to 40% like the Coyotes, I do not support. Enough tickets are given away down there, and I doubt 40% off a $30, 300-level ticket is going to provide the "infusion of capital" into the Coyotes books to really help them.

Long day of travel, hopefully more later.

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